Attachment Parenting - Health Online
Attachment Parenting Articles
Programs help men become better dads.
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA - Jun 14, 2006 He had fathered two children with two women with a minimal attachment. Philadelphia-area groups offering parenting services include the Family Planning Council
Several private local firms also are contracting out their expertise in establishing these programs. Grimes Slaughter L.L.C., for example - headed by Eric Grimes, who has long been a part of the local fatherhood program movement - runs the Elect Fatherhood Initiative for the Delaware County Intermediary Unit and Young Fathers United for the Don't Fall Down in the Hood youth program.

Helping Hands
Winchester Star, VA - Jun 16, 2006 The home visits promote positive parenting, bonding and attachment, preventative health and dental care, non-physical discipline, and resources to community
Healthy Families is designed to prevent child abuse and neglect through early intervention and in-home support for at-risk families. The home visits promote positive parenting, bonding and attachment, preventative health and dental care, non-physical discipline, and resources to community services as needed.

Calendar of Events
Daily News Journal (subscription), TN - Jun 10, 2006 parenting classes: 10 am to noon, "Traveling Overseas" for parents who will be traveling from 1 to 3 pm, "Child and Family Adjustment and Attachment" class.
10 to 11 a.m., Old Fort Park Trailhead of Murfreesboro Greenway. Kids can compete in three areas: Run � Step up to the starting line and run as fast as you can. Bike � Grab your bike, trike or Big Wheel and pedal down the Greenway. Swim � A refreshing sprint through a series of sprinklers leads to the finish line, where every child breaks through the finish banner to win a blue ribbon. Races held about every 10 minutes. Parents, older siblings or "personal trainers" may walk beside the little competitors, and help as needed. Bring a bicycle, tricycle, or Big Wheel and a helmet. Free; registration required. Contact Angela Jackson, 893-2141.

MySpace presents age-old parent-teen dilemma in a new light
Doylestown Central Bucks Life, PA - Jun 9, 2006 many are looking to the school system for guidance on the Internet-parenting challenge. Others have an even stronger attachment to free speech on the Internet.
In the fifth grade students learn about cyber bullying through health classes and the guidance department. In the sixth grade the same two departments cover sexual predation. Later, in the seventh and eight grades, each student completes a half-year computer course, which drills in the rules for safe and responsible on-line behavior, according to Zielinski. In addition, each school sends out a newsletter to parents, and parent groups hold regular meetings, as do some principals, all of which may cover these issues.

Kinship Vision
ZNet, MA - May 20, 2006 would not give the child an opportunity to develop the necessary attachment to people cared for themselves and/or to follow pursuits outside the parenting role
Parents and families must get great quantities of support so that they can pass on great quantities of the same to their children who will need it so that they can be loved unconditionally, their bodies treasured and kept safe, their minds allowed to roam but also seek guidance, their desires affirmed, reflected on, and never shamed. Assuming parents are also sex partners, they'll keep their actual sex life private, but the sexual energy they emanate, which they surely will and which any kid with half the typical kid-radar will pick up on, should broadcast respect, care, and appropriate degrees of lust, too. Right? Why not? If parents are not sex partners, if they have sex with various partners or in some other configuration, they too will have to think about how to communicate to their children messages about this private part of their lives. Whatever the sex lives of the parents, children should get lots of physical love and attention that walks a very special line between pure abandonment and clear boundaries. How do we achieve all these tricky, challenging, nuanced goals? The only way I know is through experience, seeing how others do it, reflecting on how it was done to you, and learning from others. This kind of learning happens when communities and families make time to talk and share.

Free workshop for grandparents
Moorpark Acorn,  USA - Jun 8, 2006 Topics will include role confusion, boundary setting, parenting changes in the past 20 years, substance abuse issues, attachment and grief and more.
The Moorpark College Foster and Kinship Care Education Program is offering a free workshop series for grandparents and other relatives raising grandchildren, "Tradition of Caring," 10 a.m. to noon on Saturdays, June 10, 17 and 24 at Interface, 1305 Del Norte Road, Ste. 140, Camarillo.

Separation anxiety hits this mom hard
Fort Wayne News Sentinel, IN - May 12, 2006 For an attitude adjustment, I turned to the co-authors of two distinctly different parenting books: psychologist Bethany Casarjian, an attachment theorist, and
I took their advice and almost instantly, everything changed. By stepping back, I could see that the important thing was that my child was able to form a positive and secure attachment to someone. I realized I was taking his small rejections too personally, and my reactions were making it hard for my husband to enjoy the fruits of his round-the-clock labor.

1. The Effects of Parenting Styles and Childhood Attachment Patterns on Intimate Relationships
This paper examines the idea that parental behavior characteristic of authoritative, authoritarian and permissive parenting styles seem to parallel the parental behavior connected with secure, avoi
2. Parenting stress and parental bonding
One of the most influential theories in explaining the association between children''s early family experiences and their social and emotional development ...
3. Two cribs may be bad for baby: sleeping in two homes may cause attachment problems - Parenting
KIDS LOVE MUSICAL CHAIRS, BUT MUSICAL beds? Not so much, according to a study on infants of separated parents. Babies who live with one of their parents ...
4. Perceptions of autonomy support, parent attachment, competence and self-worth as predictors of motivational orientation and academic achievement: an examination
This project examined the hypothesis that students'' perceptions of teacher autonomy support, parent attachment, competence, and self-worth would predict ...
5. The impact of parental attachment and supervision on fear of crime among adolescent males - Statistical Data Included
This paper examines the effect of parental attachment and supervision on fear of crime among adolescent males. Earlier work has suggested that feelings ...
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