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Mental Health Articles
Hope can play large role in mental health
Pueblo Chieftain, CO - Mar 19, 2006 Helga Meyer is foundation/public education director at Spanish Peaks Mental Health Center. Please forward mental health topic ideas
Some people may believe that feeling hope with a bad prognosis (such as having a terminal disease) forces a denial of reality, or allows false hope to develop. However, there are some important differences between total denial, informed denial and false hope. With total denial, you don’t believe you’re ill, and with such a denial, you can’t feel hopeful for a positive outcome. But with informed denial, you accept your diagnosis and choose to feel hope for remission, fewer complications or less pain. Informed denial often inspires hope, which allows you to put your fighting spirit to work, confront a new challenge and utilize all of your internal strength and available resources to fight off the disease. False hope is more similar to wishful thinking and built on pathological denial. When reality hits, the false hope disintegrates, leading to feelings of hopelessness - in which there is a feeling of negativity and no expectation for good or positive things to happen in the future. With hopelessness, depression and illness frequently follow.

Higher priority for mental health in Wales
News Wales, UK - Mar 17, 2006 Mental health has been seen as a Cinderella service but Wales is to give it a far higher priority, according to Dr Brian Gibbons, Health and Social Services
"Newport has also been one of the first areas in Wales to launch a mental health action plan in response to findings in the Wales Audit Office report on mental health which was published last year. Commissioners and providers of mental health services in Newport now have a clear strategic framework from which to move forward.

It�s time to address mental health crisis
The State, SC - Mar 16, 2006 The mental health care system in South Carolina is in crisis because of the elimination of long-term psychiatric beds and the drastic reduction of both acute
Now nearly 50 percent of the department’s short-term beds, those intended for brief stays and stabilization, are occupied by long-term patients who were displaced when long-term beds at the State Hospital on Bull Street were eliminated. And the department’s waiting list for its forensic facility has reached levels that are unacceptable from both a legal and a patient care point of view. A recent surge in emergency admissions from jails (e.g. suicide risks) has decreased available beds for court-ordered, pretrial evaluations and restorations to competency required to stand trial.

Rise in mental health prescriptions
Irish Health, Ireland - 2 hours ago Almost 290,000 people are now medicated for mental health illnesses, including depression. However mental health organisation, GROW
"GROW accepts that doctors are under pressure to prescribe medication to their patients. People want an instant solution to their problems, however we urge doctors to look at the alternatives available to them", said Mike Watts, GROW's national programme coordinator.

Service to provide mental health link
Dandenong Star, Australia - 10 hours ago By Sarah Schwager. ERMHA support service, Linx, senior manager Alf Francett at the launch of Springvale�s new mental health service.
�One of the key themes is the development of innovative approaches based on relapse prevention and early intervention,� Mr Minett said. �PARC services aim to provide a �step up� and �step down� function between community care and in-patient treatment.�

NZ health board paying for abortions in Sydney, New Zealand - Mar 10, 2006 today. Hospital staff had on occasion refused women wanting terminations in late pregnancy on mental health grounds. Chief executive
He said the issue came down to how it was possible to offer the service on a practical basis when nobody publicly or privately wanted to do it. There were morals involved in decisions, but some could also be uncomfortable or intimidated by the procedure late in pregnancies.

Rethink: Churchill in straitjacket statue challenges mental health, UK - 19 hours ago a �black dog� statue of former Prime Minister Winston Churchill in a straitjacket to draw dramatic attention to the stigma surrounding mental health.
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FINDING lately that you are too blue to get out of bed, let alone get dressed and go to work? How about food? Eating more or less? What about sleep--too ...
2. California''s mental health piggy bank
ROBIN HOOD WOULD be proud. Starting this year, tax money from California''s wealthiest citizens will be pumped into a fund designated to expand care ...
3. Private payers fall behind in mental health spending
Private payers fall behind in mental health spending.(INDUSTRY WATCH)
4. Aging with mental retardation: increasing population of older adults with MR require health interventions and prevention strategies
The second half of the 20th century vastly increased the life span of those with mental retardation (MR). Today the average life expectancy of older adults with MR is 66.1 years and growing. As thes
5. Self-medication of mental health problems: new evidence from a national survey
Objective. To evaluate the association between past 30-day use of alcohol, marijuana, and other illicit drugs and past year unmet need for and use of ...
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