Lead Organization

Partner Organizations

Reducing the Risk of SIDS: Putting Babies "Back to Sleep"

An education Program for the African American Community of Albany

Albany County Health Department, New York (NY)

Summary of Outreach

A partnership with the Council of Black Churches has enabled thousands of families in Albany county to receive vital information about ways to reduce SIDS risk for their babies. The Hudson Mohawk Affiliate of the SIDS Alliance is providing training to community educators about ways to reduce SIDS risk. The community educator then visited churches in Albany county to carry the vital SIDS risk reduction message to the African American community. Many times, the community educators were encouraged to step right up the pulpit to talk to the congregation about the importance of putting babies on their backs to sleep.

Program Design


- Provide education fro the African American community of Albany about ways to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in a culturally competent manner

- Provide education about reducing SIDS risk for all family members who may be providing infant care, including: mothers, fathers. Grandmothers and other senior caregivers.

- Deliver SIDS risk reduction message to at least 20 church communities in Albany


Target Population

_X_ African American

_X_ Parents

_X_ Faith Based

_X_ Train-the-Trainer

_X_ Community Educators


Relevant Literature/Links

Total Project Budget: $4,525

Budget to cover the following:

- Project coordinator compensation

- Presenter compensation

- Curriculum development

- Materials/Publications

- Printing/photocopying

- Postage

- Other resources to distribute to families (i.e., infant T-Shirts, bibs, magnets, etc.)


Necessary Resources

- Development of a Curriculum

- Development of Evaluation tool

- Development of Q&A sheet

- Development of grandparent/senior caregiver pamphlet

- Purchase dolls and other teaching aids

Outcomes and Evaluation


- Achievement of 20 church community objective

- Evaluation tool completed by community presenters.

Additional Information

They will also have educational materials about SIDS and baby gifts available to give to families who are expecting a new baby, or have a new baby in the family.