Lead Organization

Partner Organizations

Sudden Infant Death Network of Ohio

Ohio Department of Health

In Black Print

Summary of Outreach

Providing 4 Statewide Trainings

1. OIMRI Projects (10) statewide

2. Child and Family health Services: 60 Project Directors

3. Statewide Leadership meeting (AKA, 100 Black Women, NAACP, Black clergy, Black Nurses Assoc, etc.)

4. Minority Health Seminar (statewide training)

Monitor, evaluate, report county coroner�s compliance to assure all infants who die suddenly will be reported to health district where the child resides; notify health department to assure timely contact and support offered to parents; send referral letter to all families and literature.

Program Design

Train the Trainer program to include above mentioned trainings and to provide 23 daycare trainings, 8 EMT trainings, 4 statewide conference exhibits, 8 general public trainings. 6 public health trainings.

Development of training curriculum, protocols and Power Point Slide presentations.

Target Population

X African American

X General

X Daycare providers

X Parents

X Grandparents


X Faith Based

X Train-the-Trainer

X Public Health Personnel


Relevant Literature/Links

Awarded $200,000 from July 2001 to September 2002 by the Ohio Department of Health.

Back to Sleep Brochures

African American Resource Kit


Necessary Resources

- Possible conflict in scheduling trainings for infant mortality reduction initiatives and public health personnel

- Monies to support trainings

- Contracting with over 12 educators statewide (RN�s, EMT;s, SIDS educators) to train the trainers.

- NIH Resource Kits

- Power Point presentation/ Protocols

Outcomes and Evaluation

(See SIDS Program Plan)

Additional Information