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Overweight Woman Articles
Many factors play a role in osteoarthritis
The News Journal, DE - 43 minutes ago But researchers suspect it's a combination of factors, including being overweight, aging, muscle weakness "My doctor calls me the bionic woman," Spear said.
Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, is a degenerative joint disease. Characterized by the deterioration of joint cartilage, it can affect any joint, including those in your knees, feet, fingers, hips and lower back. The exact cause is unknown. But researchers suspect it's a combination of factors, including being overweight, aging, muscle weakness, joint injury or stress, and heredity.

Excess pounds may raise ovarian cancer risk
Reuters - Jun 15, 2006 NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Being overweight in young adulthood or later in life may raise a woman's risk of ovarian cancer, particularly if she's never had
A number of studies have looked at the relationship between body weight and ovarian cancer risk, with conflicting results. A connection is considered biologically plausible because excess body fat can raise levels of estrogen, as well as male sex hormones called androgens, which may in turn feed ovarian tumor development.

It ain't over till i sing
Ha'aretz, Israel - Jun 15, 2006 sexy, witty, pretty woman, not someone who is crushed by fate. The only thing that prevents her from being happy, she believes, is that she is overweight.
Helen's escape mechanism is humor. And the same is true of Irit Kaplan - a large, solid, tall woman ("1.73 meters but I'm not sure I have said the last word on that"), who is blessed with generous proportions ("On Internet date sites, I write: 'Imagine Barbie - now enlarge that image'") and has even modeled for the Rubens Fashion Company, which caters to large-size women. On the way to a cafe, Kaplan responded loudly and enthusiastically to the sight of a sex shop, noting that she has no problem talking about sex ("I really like it - write that down"). And no, she has no problem about how she looks without clothes or with what people will say about the extra weight around her middle. If she already gets into bed with someone, she says, it is after all the nonsense and the prattling have subsided. So she is completely free and liberated and will happily do a striptease for him, with the light on or not, as she puts it, and "then the animal emerges."

Literary Lunch: Book finds a home at last
The Capital Times, WI - Jun 9, 2006 The story chronicles the coming of age of a young, overweight woman who is sent to fat camp and who finds inner strength and self-esteem in a series of
Milwaukee area author Elizabeth Ridley knows this only too well. When Ridley started shopping a synopsis and three chapters of her latest novel, "Dear Mr. Carson," to agents, she ran up against this phenomenon. She had a publishing record: Her first three novels had received good reviews and sold modestly in the 1990s. But when she approached agents, again and again she was told that her earlier novels hadn't sold well enough.

The Marginalized Mainstream
American Spectator - Jun 13, 2006 Sinema urged the public financing of campaigns to remove "overweight white men the Q&A session following Barbara Boxer's speech, a young woman complained to the
Okay, okay. So Dean is on board. Judging by the "we're not crazy" rhetoric of Kossacks, one might assume Dean is the exception to the rule. Er, not exactly. "We don't have a bully-pulpit, but we do have you," Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said during his appearance. "We need you to be our megaphone." Former Virginia governor and Democratic presidential wannabe Mark Warner at his Yearly Kos party at Stratosphere -- rumored to cost $100,000 -- gushed, "You guys are here to stay. You are bringing renewed energy to our party. This is the new public square, the new face of democracy and the new face of the Democratic Party." Barbara Boxer told the gathered they were the "most powerful answer" to the "Foxification" of media, which to this crowd was the highest of high praise.

The escape artist, CA - Jun 11, 2006 Lee's mother, Shields reports, was a reclusive, overweight woman prone to fits of emotion and probably bipolar (although she did not, as Capote claimed later
To be sure, it is extremely difficult to cover all the bases, especially for an unauthorized biographer, who faces what is, at best, an elusive paper trail. Lee did, Shields reports, grow up in an era of change, particularly in the area of civil rights. Her father and her sister worked on a number of significant cases, including the 1931 "Scottsboro boys" case, in which nine young black men were accused of raping a white woman, and the 1933 trial of Walter Lett, a black man accused of a similar crime in Monroeville. Shields writes, as well, about Lee's response to the banning of "To Kill a Mockingbird" in Richmond, Va., schools in 1966. "Surely it is plain to the simplest intelligence," she wrote in the Richmond News-Leader in a rare print appearance, "that 'To Kill a Mockingbird' spells out in words of seldom more than two syllables a code of honor and conduct, Christian in its ethic, that is the heritage of all Southerners. To hear that the novel is 'immoral' has made me count the years between now and 1984, for I have yet to come across a better example of doublethink."

What I Missed As A Girl
Hartford Courant, United States - Jun 12, 2006 "My only true friends," one woman confided, eyes will be a bunch of skinny, self-absorbed, spandex-clad marathoner types or a bunch of overweight, self-absorbed
Actually, I did discover one small problem. This camp is called the Smith College Adult Sports and Fitness Camp, but I really wasn't looking for a fitness camp. I hate people who are into exercise. It's so "all about me," if you know what I mean. I'm a middle-aged mother of two who, to be frank, could stand to lose 10, 15, 20 pounds (I assume they'll give me an exact number at camp during the fitness assessment they conduct for each camper.)

1. body blues body beautiful - overweight woman
"Mommy, why are you fat?" It was one of those questions that only a 5-year-old could ask, especially a 5-year-old who has always been encouraged to ...
2. Help him lose it: more than half of all Black men are overweight. But their reasons for packing on the pounds are often very different from ours
Robert Smith grew up playing sports religiously--and never thought twice about his weight. But in March, after watching his wife sweat through her exercise ...
3. Why real men can''t eat quiche: it''s the latest trend—behind every dieting woman there''s a calorie-counting man, writes Viv Groskop
Paranoia about weight has always been seen as the preserve of women, but the slimming industry is turning its attention to the other half of the population.
4. The heart of a woman: new research shows that when it comes to heart disease, men and women really are different
When we hear the words heart attack, we often visualize an overweight, middle-aged man stooped over and clutching his chest, Fred Sanford-style. But ...
5. Why is Sharon Richardson still in prison? Should a battered woman convicted of conspiring to murder her abusive boyfriend be granted clemency?
Sharon Richardson is in jail for murder and conspiracy. And a growing number of legal advocates, elected officials and community leaders think she should ...
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